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by (1,452 points)
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When a distance creature such as vibrant phantom becomes melee does it unlock a new melee type attack or just keeps its basic set of abilities?
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I am guessing we can only confirm those by ourselves on previously “Known” creatures like Witch, Minotaur Archer etc and then base on those information. Sadly, we do not have enough collected data for new creatures so far;/ (they are not even updated with proper damage attacks on most of the fansites). So far, none touched this subject either on the forum... ( or I missed it)
by (55 points)
Chains up to 5 creatures prioritising ranged creatures. Creatures hit are turned into melee fighters for 12 seconds and change their target to the caster for 6 seconds.
Encadena hasta 5 criaturas dando prioridad a las criaturas a distancia. Las criaturas golpeadas se convierten en luchadoras cuerpo a cuerpo durante 12 segundos y cambian su objetivo al lanzador durante 6 segundos.

This spell is similar to the Royal Paladin's Divine Dazzle with the difference that it challenges affected ranged creatures. It is useful in team hunts to avoid distance fighter creatures from targeting the rest of the team, as well as preventing creatures from running in low health, making it also useful for knights when solo-hunting this type of creature.

It's important to note that it will only hit up to 5 creatures, whereas Challenge can hit up to 8. Furthermore, it cannot be used in rooms of Lever Bosses to prevent boss mechanics from becoming easier than originally intended. These two factors mean that Knights should still have Challenge ready to be used even after they acquire Chivalrous Challenge.
by (1,452 points)
thanks for your comment i guess, but thats alredy known information my only question is if the distance creature unlocks a new power to attack melee

1 Answer

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by (28 points)
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Yes! The creatures will infer melee (physical) damage in addition to their possible attack spells as well. It's quite simple to tell the truth to do this test myself I already did using necromances / magicians. With the new tool "input analyze" it is possible to see this in practice. Even before this mechanism appeared, I already believed that it was possible to inflict physical damage by trapping one of these creatures in a place where they could not escape.