+1 vote
by (1,058 points)
Yesterday I was hunting the high class lizards and noticed that it's completely useless to challenge (exeta res) the legionnaires and the dragon priests. No matter how many times I tried, they continued to run away.

So I started to think that maybe this spell only has an effect on melee creatures?

I'd like to know if anyone has an official info about this, or let's discover this together
by (1,589 points)
Wouldn't it be better to ask which ones you can't challenge? The list of ones you can challenge is enormous.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (48 points)
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You can challenge every monster in the game.
However, the only thing that will be effected by it is melee creatures.

There are a couple of spells in the game now that temporarily turn a ranged creature into a melee creature for a period of time, thus allowing the original challenge to effect them. But, once the temporary transition wears off, they will run away again just like any other ranged creature.

The spells mentioned are:
Chivalrous Challenge for Elite Knights

Chains up to 3 creatures prioritizing ranged creatures. Creatures hit are turned into melee fighters for 12 seconds and change their target to the caster for 6 seconds.
Divine Dazzle for Royal Paladins
Chains up to 3 creatures prioritising ranged creatures in a 6 sqm range. Creatures hit are turned into melee fighters for 8 seconds.
