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by (5,730 points)
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It is known that for some years the way to kill bosses increased the risks and the way to face them and one of the new conditions in some bosses is that the rooms themselves give damage or apply a condition to your character.

For example: The Pale Worm once you enter the room to face The final boss of Feaster Lost Soul, all characters receive a "Hex" which reduces your life points by 50%. (This effect can be removed using a Soulforged Lantern).

Something similar happens too (If I'm not mistaken) when you face Goshnars Malice from Soul War Quest. There is a situation where the floor got 2 colors so to avoid the damage you have to step and stay in the White SQM's until the floor came black again.

So I wanna know: What boss room gives this kind of condition that gives you a damage or some kind of curse?

Thanks in advance.

by (2,426 points)
The two mechanics you mentioned are very different from each other. "Hexed" is a status condition that is also applied in other situations, such as King Zelo's beam, Condensed Sins and Sir Baeloc/Sir Nictros. The Goshnar's Malice mechanic is unique in terms of how it looks and how to avoid it, but there are many other bosses with explosion mechanics such as Gaz'haragoth, Prince Drazzak, Outburst, Lokathmor, Mazzinor, Lady Tenebris and Razzagorn. All of these have explosions that deal high damage but can also be avoided in some way. In other games these are usually called "Doom" mechanics. If that's what you mean I suggest removing the Hex example and focus on that.
by (5,730 points)
Ahh, is that hex from the boss? I thought it was from the boss room because it happens once you enter the room, a difference to King Zelos and The Brothers which is a boss skill.
by (2,426 points)
Not really, you're right that it's from the room since everyone gets it instantly and not again if the lantern is used. I just think it's very different from specific boss mechanics since it's a condition that is also present in other situations.
by (421 points)
Bossrooms with similar "conditions" are for example:

- Ushuriel (INQ boss): You have to enter his room invisible because the Eyes Of The Seven can deal 500 damage per turn.

- Mazoran (Ferumbras' Ascension Quest): If the floor become lava you should not move because it deals 1500 fire damage.

I am not sure if these count because the room itself does no damage, it is the Eye of The Seven or the floor which turns into lava. That's why i added this as a comment and not as an answer.

1 Answer

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The Brainstealer!
When a player gets hit by the boss, he receives the "Madness", an effect that deals damage over time.
Now what makes this whole thing is fun, the Madness is contagious. Meaning If the Knight for example has received the madness, it can hop to the nearby player, if they are too close, to the Knight.

Inside the Room also spawn Brain Parasites. While you have the Madness, you are more vunurable to their attacks..