+2 votes
by (781 points)
There is an ostentatious bookstand  located in the middle of The Scourge of Corruption room located just north of the NPC Cerebrir. During the boss fight a magic sphere appears on top of this bookstand, appearing normally when a message in orange happens. If you click the magic sphere, it will vanish and send a holy like beam towards the north of the room, but does not appear to cause damage to anything. Is  there an unknown purpose for this magic sphere that appears on the ostentatious bookstand?
by (2,426 points)
Are you sure it doesn't cause damage to anything? If I'm not mistaken, it does damage to the Rift Spawns. Nothing very spectacular that is worth worrying about, though.
by (781 points)
I am not sure about damage to the creatures. It does not appear to do damage to players. I just wasn't certain if it had any special purpose.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (85 points)
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I dont know if there its an unknown use for the ostentatious bookstand that you say. But i do know that it deals drowning dmg to both monster and bosses. Check this out:

Acolyte Storm, a high lvl player and also a very active player from the mysteries community, did a really good approach on Secret Library and its mysteries. You can found the article here: Secrets of the Secret Library – Tibia Secrets

You can see him trying various of theories on the Secret Library. At one point of his article, he talks about the Magic Sphere that you asked for:  A Magic Sphere spawns on top of the middle Bookstand. It can now be clicked, and is an extremely powerful weapon.

This is exactly as you described. It sends a holy beam. But it has some particularities: "Note that it skips the square directly north of it, meaning that the player who clicked the Bookstand cannot be hit by it. If we have a second player stand in its path, it does not damage the player." 

It does a lot of damage, and as the picture above shows, its drown dmg. You can see the monsters lined up and beeing hit from the Ostantious Bookstand:


¿Does it hits the Boss?

Yes. Also with Drown Damage. I dont have a picture for this. But, quoting the article, we found this:

"Luckily, I have been able to hit him exactly once with this. It did about 6000 drown damage to him, and no other major effects".

I recommend you the lecture of this article as is really fun and very catching. 

Source: Tibiasecrets.com; article from Acolyte Storm: Secrets of the Secret Library – Tibia Secrets
