+2 votes
by (1,184 points)

I'm wondering, maybe some of you tried it or missclicked and it happened to you:

What will happen if I accidentaly jump out of boss room at Ferumbras Final before killing the boss?

Will I appear in Darashia protection zone or will I appear before teleport to lever?
I'm asking, because in Warzones 4-6 when I accidentaly went out, I appeared in room full of Diremaws just before the entrance-teleport, but when the boss was killed, we appear in safe zone, same as in Ferumbras Ascension. Is it the same? Will I be kicked to room with Hellflyers?

by (4,162 points)
This is a good question, I am also curious what will happen when you accidentally enter the teleport. I am waiting for a response.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (545 points)
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Best answer

You will appear close to NPC Demonic Messenger, without any monster close to you. On a safe spot (not protection zone)



by (1,184 points)
Thank you, I hope it is like this :D
by (545 points)
it is, once I accidentally jump out from this final