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by (2,865 points)
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I'm planning complete some orc bestiaries and I want to do at Orc Fortress, but I need to know the best route to complete quickly all Orcs
by (2,564 points)
Rotation of what?
by (5,523 points)
Probably means route. I will wait for them to clarify though.
by (2,865 points)
Rotation on cave, sorry english is not my first language

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,426 points)
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Best answer

If you want to complete all Orcs, the most effective way is probably this:

Wait until a Rapid Respawn event is up. Without it, it will be very hard to complete Orc Leaders and Orc Warlords. With the event on, you'll want to take 3 areas of the Orc Fortress:

  1. On the -1 floor, the room above the Dragon and the small room west of it where 2 Orc Warlords spawn (here). 
  2. Then go down to -2, and clear this room.
  3. Finally, go east and clear the quest room.
Using this route is the best way to kill Orc Leaders and Warlords fast, which are the most uncommon Orcs (and require 1000 kills each). By the end of that you'll probably have the other Orcs completed as well. If you don't, you can find them easily in other areas:
  • Orc Spearmans, Warriors and Berserkers all around OF;
  • Orc Riders on the tower north-east of the Fortress
  • Regular Orcs probably best on the Edron Orc Cave, also during Rapid Respawn, if you still need them after finishing the other Orcs. 
Most players (I also did that) run around all of the Orc Fortress and finish the common Orcs rather quickly. But later, if you decide to finish Leaders and Warlords, you'll have to do the above and kill many more of the common Orcs, so the reverse order is probably the smarter way. 