+1 vote
by (6,736 points)


Bestiary on Deeplings Elite is one of the hardest, since there is not many this kind of creatures among Fiehonja.

What is the best route to make it the fastest possible? Do I have to skip some of them and focus only on a particular spots?

Waiting for your advices! :)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
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Best answer

The first image shows the area where the golden anchor is. This is the area that you find the path to each boss and can use your small anchor on the large on to teleport out. The second image is the path to Jaul. I marked the Deepling Elites and Deepling Tyrants. During rapid respawn you may be able to just run between the 2 Deepling Elites in the Jaul spawn. During regular respawn rate you would have to run a bigger loop. You could include the other Deepling Tyrants and Deepling Elite shown in the anchor area and when first entering the Jaul path and this would hopefully be fast enough (deepending on your server).

