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Hello, just wondered, is it better to take exp preys on the energy library or is it better to stick to damage ones? Or maybe mix them up like? Thank you for your answers!

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (119 points)
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Brain squid is better exp, energy book you can mix exp/damage, the others I think it's not worth having prey.
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by (6,736 points)
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It a bit depends on your level in team guys, but let me present some facts:

  • If you take exp prey,you will get visibliy more experience than in case of dmg prey.
  • If you take dmg prey, exp for whole team will be higher. So if all of team-mates on a high level (1000? or even 1100+ levels) will take dmg prey, they may probably make even better exp/h than using exp preys. The higher level you are, the more effective it is.
  • If you take dmg prey you will kill more monsters and have higher profit.

Usually people roll for one of those two preys, either damage or experience to minimize the cost of rerolling and keep the preys on monsters if they hunt one spot.

0 votes
by (47 points)
It definitely depends on your level and whether or not you have the completed creatures in your bestiary, because if you already have them, and you are a high level (800+), it is better for you to select experience in your prey and set some runes in your bestiary to deal more damage. If not, and if you are low level (600-750), it is better to select damage, since you will kill the creatures faster and will make you gain more experience.