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What is the best way to spend stamina in this double exp? I'm a rookstayer, not sure if the strategy would change, but anyway.

In the last couple days I've been playing only the 3h bonus, but I'm not sure if worth to just waste the regular stamina and play with the 200%

What would you suggest me?

- Play only 3h bonus with 1 boost

- Play 3h bonus  + 1h with boost

- Play like crazy since double exp always rules and forget about the bonus hours.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (495 points)
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How to gain most XP during double XP or rapid respawn events

Start from 42h of stamina at the server save, and finish at 14h at the server save of the last day of the XP event. Optionally you can buy up to 2 XP boosts per day (+1 boost from the day before, as mentioned in the text above). Buying 3, 4, or 5 boosts during 1 day is less efficient due to high price than buying single boosts (1 per day) during regular days (without double XP or rapid respawn).


Efficiency of XP boosts in relation to price

It is more efficient to buy 1 boost during a regular day, than to buy 3rd, 4th, or 5th boost during double XP event (or rapid respawn event).

Buying XP boosts during a regular day:

13,333k/h base XP (20k/h with green stamina, without XP boost)

1st boost: +6,6k XP for 30tc (4,5tc per 1k) [30k/h with green stamina]

2nd boost: +6,6k XP for 45tc (6,8tc per 1k)

3rd boost: +6,6k XP for 90tc (13,6tc per 1k)

4th boost: +6,6k XP for 180tc (27,2tc per 1k)

5th boost: +6,6k XP for 360tc (54,5tc per 1k)

Buying XP boosts during a double XP event:

26,666k/h base XP (40k/h with green stamina, without XP boost)

1st boost: +13,3k XP for 30tc (2,2tc per 1k) [60k/h with green stamina]

2nd boost: +13,3k XP for 45tc (3,3tc per 1k)

3rd boost: +13,3k XP for 90tc (6,7tc per 1k)

4th boost: +13,3k XP for 180tc (13,5tc per 1k)

5th boost: +13,3k XP for 360tc (27,0tc per 1k)

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/rookgaard/wiki/index/exprate/

0 votes
by (45 points)
Once cip changed the bonus stamina to 3 hours, I started to always stop at 3 and let my stamina regen. Before when it was 2 hours it always seemed like I would be missing out on exp if I didn't keep hunting. I believe doing your 3 hours with one boost is very effective.
0 votes

Stamina Efficiency


Edit: This research is not useful during the covid, because premium stamina regenerates faster during the corona virus - 3h of 50% XP boost instead of 2h and 6 minutes offline for 1 minute of premium stamina.

Regular stamina regenerates at the same rate as before.

Hunting with regular stamina is still more efficient than with premium stamina, even when premium stamina lasts 3h.


Stamina regeneration rates:

Premium stamina - 10h offline / 1h stamina

Regular stamina - 3h offline / 1h stamina

Stamina starts regenerating 10 minutes after log out, so if you log in just for few seconds (to check a boss for instance), you are loosing 3 minutes and 20 seconds of stamina.


Example of premium stamina hunt:

  1. Starting at 40h of stamina (logging out for 20h, waiting for premium stamina)

  2. After 20h offline you regenerated 2h of premium stamina (now 42h)

  3. Hunting 2h, you gained 30k exp (10k exp/h base +50% premium stamina = 15k exp/h)

[Total Time] - 22h (offline (20h) + hunting (2h))

[Total Exp Gained] - 30,000 (30,000 : 22h = 1,363 exp/h)


Example of regular stamina hunt:

  1. Starting at 30h of stamina (logging out for 16,5h, waiting for regular stamina)

  2. After 16,5h offline you regenerated 5,5h of regular stamina (now 35,5h)

  3. Hunting 5,5h, you gained 55k exp (10k exp/h base)

[Total Time] - 22h (offline (16,5h) + hunting (5,5h))

[Total Exp Gained] - 55,000 (55,000 : 22h = 2,500 exp/h)


What is base exp?

Base exp is 100% of your normal exp/h without any boosts.



Regular stamina is 1,83 x more efficient than premium stamina.


Stamina below 14h

When you reach 14h of stamina, you get 0 loot and 50% less base exp.

Skill training is not slowed down.


0h of stamina

When you reach 0h of stamina, you get 0 loot and 0 exp.

Skill training is not slowed down.

Stamina Calculator

https://event-stamina.herokuapp.com/ - In this calculator (created by u/DeafeningRoar) you can check when exactly you have to log out in order to get full stamina right at the begining of XP events.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/rookgaard/wiki/index/stamina


Information about how the XP bonuses are multiplied: https://www.reddit.com/r/rookgaard/wiki/index/exprate
