+1 vote
by (63 points)
I have tamed the wild horse on many of my characters, everytime I tamed this mount I use well over 100 sugar oats.
by (594 points)
Someone used 370 oats and haven't tamed the horse. Guess it's pretty low... How accurate? Hard to tell.
by (328 points)
It's very hard to know, but many people reports something between 100~200 tries to get one (1% or 0.5%). By personal number of tries were ~250 with one char and ~80 with another one.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (126 points)
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Best answer
Based on stadistics of 10 players

I used 180 sugar oats

a friend used 246 sugar outs

other one use 211 sugar ouats

another firend was really lucky hi only use 90 sugar oats

and last one was very unlucky hi used 412 sugar oats

So based on this

less than .5% (+-) 1 % chances
Today I achieved it after 85 oats