Due to the Sunset of Tournaments, this question is outdated.
What exact skills does each vocation start off with in the Tournament? Just asking so I can get a rough idea on where to hunt, skills do help. This is all I was able to research so I don't know what this exactly means-"All Tournament characters start with level 20, basic skills, and 20,000 gold on their bank account. Basic skills equate to the skills of a character on Dawnport that has walked through one of the vocation gates, meaning that there are slight differences depending on vocation." Source- https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5661&fbegind=12&fbeginm=7&fbeginy=2020&fendd=11&fendm=8&fendy=2020&flist=11111111
You will be starting with following basic skills depending on which vocation you choose:
Knight by Itexo - https://youtu.be/sU7R2XP9wdw
https://youtu.be/vU8TOb6WIcs; 6:47
Sorcerer by Crowny: https://youtu.be/vU8TOb6WIcs 6:26
Paladin by Lee: https://youtu.be/cdND1_hP6wI 0:51; 1:40
And https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tcs6k5PwqKE 6:40. *
*Paladin Magic level once you leave Dawnport does not match to the one in tournament. I assume level 4 in second video is due to player using spells and training m-lvl (using mana all the time). His mlvl skill drops from lvl 5 and 30% to go to beginning of 4mlvl (progress is re-calculated with paladin formula).
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