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Where can I find a table or resource where it would say what skills you should have every 10 lvls? For shielding and weapons (club or sword or club) or know if there is a site that tells you that? I'm not sure what skills are good ones in each level

Level 10.     

Level 20

Level 30

Level 40 etc

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by (12 points)
Level RangeGoods SkillsIdeal Skills
8 - 5070100
50 - 10085100
100 - 200100110
200 - 300103115
300 - 500105117
500 - 800110120

Disclaimer: What skill is good or you should have is a very personal opinion, and may change for diferent players or game styles. This table attempts to represent the opinion of a considerable group of experienced players regarding the ideal range of skills for each level range.

Font: GM Tibia (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw-bz8940So)
