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by (5,730 points)
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Today I created a  new character  I chose Paladin, but I want to start hunting only when I get "good skills". So, for a new player, at which Distance /Shielding should I start hunting?

I pretend to  make it lvl 250 at least.

Thanks in advance.

by (2,208 points)
Hi hun You can edit this question to make it propper gramatically, by fixing the tittle and the following texts:

"Which skills are good enough to start hunting with a new RP?"

"Today I created a new character, I chose Paladin, but I want to start hunting only when I get good skills. So, for a new player, which distance/shielding is considered good to start hunting?"

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,534 points)
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from 10 to 50 decent skills would be 60+, while 70 dist would be TOP, u don't really need more than that.
from 50 to 130 your distance skill is secondary, as simple as that, u could try to get 70+ dist but on reality u don't need that much distance.
from 130 to 150 90+ is optional, really helps but isn't neither your main damage.

now, why? due paladin below 150 is the most overwhelmed vocation, knight have mana issues but with imbuements can overpass those issues at lvl 90 and do a whole rotation of aoe damage, mages are simply broken and kill aoe running everything literally the easiest voc to reach 150 (if u know how to afford it). But paladin? paladin is forced to kill 1by1, they are the only vocation that actually misses their main outcome of damage, so it's not worth having "amazing skills" as paladin.

What to do then? Train magic lvl first.

The more magic lvl u have the more aoe damage u do, the more u heal, the more holy missile hits and more. So don't think it twice, hit average paladin distance and as soon u get holy missile focus on magic lvl, preferably at least ML 20, at lvl 50 hit divine caldera and hunt semi aoe, or full aoe running stuff like bonebeast, u would do a lot more of damage and exp and if you have money to skill better invest it into affording those hunts to hit easier lvl 100.

once at lvl 100 u can still aoe hunt and more likely u would not stop using divine caldera ever again so the most magic lvl u get the better payoff, even if you hunt target u can pull 2-3 mobs and use caldera and would increase considerably the exp/hour.

only at lvl 150 90 dist is a MUST have, otherwise don't bother with it, as long as u have 60-70 dist u would be okay, there is almost no difference from 60 to 90 at low lvl, u still miss a lot of ammo and target hunts are simply too unworthy compared to aoe hunting. 

0 votes
by (170 points)
I'll say anything above 50 should get you started good on the lower lvls, and you should progress as you lvl up and offline train. If you want to power level maybe wait until 80?
0 votes
by (1,452 points)
i think is matter if you premium or not
if you are premium then around 75 would be good enough not great but good enough, a good skill for premium would be around 80+
if not then 70 since will be a lot harder to get due that you will have to do online training
shielding in my opinion doesnt really matter a lot in a paladin it would help you but you should focus on distance