+2 votes
by (17,404 points)
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Due to the Sunset of Tournaments, this question is outdated.

Do characters start off with any spells during a Tournament, or do I need to purchase them all on my own? Just trying to prepare myself for when I participate in a Tournament!

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,355 points)
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Best answer

Tournament worlds are unique in their own way, as far as today (2021-01-09) we have only had three tournaments in Tibia.
These tournaments have had different types of rules for you to gain as much points as possible and therefor increasing your rank in the tournament.
I can only speak for the last two tournaments, Valour & Triumph, both of which I managed to get top 10 in.
As far as im aware and what I can recall, both of these tournaments we started of as if we just left dawnport, but as level 20.
I am positive that the spells for the recent tournaments was the same as if you just left dawnport.

All Tournament characters start with level 20, basic skills, and 20,000 gold on their bank account. Basic skills equate to the skills of a character on Dawnport that has walked through one of the vocation gates, meaning that there are slight differences depending on vocation.

Meaning that vocations starts with their most basic spells like:

DRUID - (Magic Patch) Exura infir - (Mud Attack) Exura infir tera - (Exevo Frigu Hur) Chill out
SORCERER - (Magic Patch) Exura infir - (Buzz) Exori Infir Vis - (Scorch)  Exevo Infir Flam Hur
KNIGHT - (Bruise Bane) Exura Infir Ico
PALADIN - (Magic Patch) Exura infir - (Arrow Call) Exevo Infir Con

I have a list here of spells from the last tournament that I bought on my tournament character as soon as I logged in:

Magic Rope levitate Cure Poison Light Healing Energy Strike Death Strike Flame Strike Magic Shield Intense Healing

That being said, tournament worlds are unique in the way that we don't know what rules we may have next time, perhaps we will start of as level 500, It's difficult to say, that is why it's important to read carefully through the rules and the forums when a new tournament is announced!

by (17,404 points)
what spells do we get after dawnport?
by (1,355 points)
Updated the answer
–1 vote
by (24 points)
The tournament is just like a normal game world!

Play just like you would any other server!


by (17,404 points)
Did you play on the Tournaments? So you're sure we didn't have basic healing spell or anything like that?
by (1,355 points)
I dont think this guy has a clue what a tournament server is