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After logging in to the game, I always see on the server log:

14:06 Due to your long-term loyalty to Tibia, you currently benefit from a 45 % bonus on all of your skills.

I know it is bonus for loyality points but I am not sure how these points count. 

My questions are:

How can I obtain loyality points?

What is maximum bonus of loyality points?

What titles are available for loyality points?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer

You can obtain Loyalty by 2 methods:

  • Each premium day spent you get 1 loyalty point. Note that you don't get the 30 points at the moment of the purchase, you will only get 1 point when you actually use it, so 1 point at the end of each day.
  • Using the INVITE-A-FRIEND method, you will get 1 loyalty point for every 6 loyalty points a friend you invited earns, check picture below:

The maximum skill bonus is 50%

The available titles are:
