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by (1,528 points)
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My friend created an account through the link I sent her (Tell-A-Friend referral program), so I guess I would earn loyalty points from her earning them. Does this apply if I buy the premium time for her or send her the Tibia Coins? Or is it only if she buys the tibia coins or premium herself?

Also, is there a difference if she buys it from the Game Store or the website? Or do both equally count?

Thank you!

2 Answers

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by (594 points)
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To earn loyalty points, you need to spend premium time.

Loyalty points are not earned for a premium purchase, so that includes when you buy for someone else.
The premium time your friend spends will turn into loyalty points just for him as well as you will also receive one loyalty point for every six loyalty points your invited friend receives for having Premium status.

"Thereby all Premium Time on an account is taken into account including, among others, vouchers, Premium Time you received from a friend, compensation or Premium Time rewards. Not included is Premium Time you have bought for a friend's account as the Premium Time only counts towards your friend's account."

You can check more about it here: https://www.tibia.com/gameguides/?subtopic=manual&section=accounts#loyalty

As of buying Tibia Coins, Game Store is redirecting you to the website so there's no difference.

by (594 points)
But that is not for buying premium though. To be exact that loyalty is gained for your friend's loyalty points gained.
by (1,528 points)
Yes, I meant about the refer-a-friend program and only about if I would get the loyalty points, not if I would get any premium time.
by (594 points)
Like, I already answered what you're gonna get. Loyalty points and premium time included. You are not getting loyalty points for buying premium, you are getting them after your friend which got pacc from you get them. Is it still not clear enough?
0 votes
by (61 points)
If your friend created the account through your link, she needs to spend 06 days of premium time and then you earn 01 of loyalty.

And there is no difference where she bought it, she just needs to spend premium days.