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by (20 points)
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Today I earned 360 Loyalty Points and didn't receive my 1+ skill.

My knight lvl 9, Skill 69 received +1 from Sword.

My knight lvl 42, Skill 93 received +1 from Sword.

My sorcerer lvl 8, Skill 38 has received +1 from ML.

My other characters did not receive. Including my main, lvl 400, ML 96.

Why did this happen? What do I get to receive this bonus on my main?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Loyalty PointsBonus

For every 360 loyalty points you have accumulated, you will gain a bonus of 5% on your character's base skills, up to a maximum of 50% at 3600 loyalty points (which comes down to approximately 9.86 years of premium time). This is a passive boost for all characters on the account and does not expire. The bonus applies not to the skills themselves but to the underlying skill point value which is hidden from the players. Due to the exponential growth of skill points needed to advance, the skill levels actually gained will be much lower than the percentage increase, for example a paladin with 100 distance will not gain 25 (25% of 100) but will more likely gain 3-4 skills. However, one can see the boost as also an increased skill progression rate, because each earned skill point by the character will also be modified by the loyalty bonus.

Characters with a loyalty skill bonus will gain skills as if they didn't have them, e.g. a knight with 100 base sword fighting (103 after loyalty bonus) will still gain skills as if they had 100 sword fighting. The Highscores will ignore the loyalty bonus and list the base skills only. A side effect of the loyalty system is that one cannot truly rely on the skills represented in the client. Characters can advance without actually progressing a base skill level. The highscores will show the base skills and will not increase their skill because the base skill hasn't actually advanced a level, only the modified skill has. For in-game calculations such as damage output the modified skill is used.

Example: a druid with magic level 89 and 5% loyalty bonus might have magic level 90 displayed in the skills window. The highscores will list 89. The druid receives a message indicating he advanced to magic level 91, the highscores will still list 89 because the druid's raw skill did not advance, only the skill after loyalty is applied. The druid's loyalty points then increase, and he is in the next bracket so he gains an additional 5% from the loyalty bonus. His skill window might indicate he now has magic level 92, but his base skill is still 89. Note that this is just an example to illustrate the highscores' representation of skills.

by (4,311 points)
Great job Zupa!
by (20 points)
Many thanks for the explanation. But I really don't know why my main didn't get +1 from ML. Could you tell me?
by (63 points)
It works towards the % of the level, not as a whole level (the amount experience if you will) therefore when you advance and get a higher level, you will need an exponential higher amount of experience to reach the next one, that's why you don't get a whole level from loyalty. (example my magic level is 90 when i was 90 with 99% to go to 91 until I reached 49% to go to level 91, I had the message that I was +1 magic level because of the loyalty reward, so I would have around 49% of bonus of a level. I'm guessing higher levels would have a little less bonus