+1 vote
by (1,028 points)
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I'm wondering if there is a way of getting additional loyalty points apart from the regular points given for the premmy status?
by (4,316 points)
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Seems I was wrong rsrs apologize me for that. Just think why just I got 2 downvotes, actually I know tktk
by (4,384 points)
Sorry that is wrong... You can get extra loyalty by invite a friend feature.

by (4,316 points)
You're right, totally forgot about that
by (17,440 points)
i didnt downvote you but you were wrong :P

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (17,440 points)
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Best answer

Yes there is a way to get additional loyalty points and that would be with the Tell-A-Friend system gives you bonuses! One bonus reward would be you receive 1 loyalty point for every 6 loyalty points that one of your friends earns for having a premium account. You can access this by going on your account on Tibia.com to invite players.

by (1,028 points)
Thank you! I was sure I hear something about it but had no idea how it works, that's super helpful
by (17,440 points)
You're welcome <33
–1 vote
by (1,851 points)

7.4 Loyalty System

Players who have had Premium Time on their account for a longer period of time benefit from one or more of the features of our loyalty system.

Loyalty Points
Every already used Premium day on an account equals one loyalty point. Thereby all Premium Time on an account is taken into account including, among others, vouchers, Premium Time you received from a friend, compensation or Premium Time rewards. Not included is Premium Time you have bought for a friend's account as the Premium Time only counts towards your friend's account.

Players can see their loyalty points on their account page under General Information.


It's not possible :D

