The following calculation is based on approximate values and are not expected to provide a 100% accurate result.
It's meant to provide with an educated estimation of a possible scenario.
500 charges of an exercise weapon takes 16 minutes and 30 seconds to use.
A day has 24 hours or, 1440 minutes. (24 * 60)
Within a day, it's possible to use 87.27 weapons. (1440 / 16.5)
A whole day training would cost 22.83kk. (262.500 * 87 )
You have a total of 72 hours, friday, saturday and sunday. which would use up around 65kk to train NON STOP.
One rod/wand is equivalent to using 305k mana or 610 UMPs, using 261 wands is the same as using nearly 160k ultimate mana potions or using 80kk mana (using the utana vid spell 180920 times),
Considering the global cooldown of 1 second, this is, around 3015 minutes or 50 hours or drinking ultimate mana potions and using the invisible spell.
Anyway, TL:DR.
With 100kk buy UMPs and training weapons and be patient.
Use the UMPs to make runes and use the training weapons while recovering soul on the protected zone.
Always use the training weapons with the 10% dummies inside houses or guild halls.
Tibia is, and has always been a game where the most patient wins.
Although in recent years a lot has changed and it is now possible to have a hefty boost using money, it all comes down to play time.
Be patient, keep playing and eventually you'll get stronger.
Spend your money consciously, always trying to have fun and enjoy the game yourself, sadly, trying to become the best in Tibia is, in my opinion, useless, as there's always someone willing to spend more money and time than you.