+2 votes
Hello guys,

I've got a question about double skill events - what should I skill as a RP, distance or magic?

Is there any meta what magic lvl and distance fighting I should have on "X" lvl as a RP?

Better invest cash on mlv or distance during double skill events? Which of these 2 skills gives more benefits on RP?

2 Answers

0 votes
by (287 points)
To be honest. If You hunting aoe (like most of paladins today) after at least lvl 100 distance focus on mlvl, it's more efficient), other way for boss/crossbow hunting it's better to have hogh dostance skill.
0 votes
by (5,523 points)
Most people are of the opinion that you would be better off putting the money into your magic level. Typically you would be training your distance everyday with offline training but you get no buff to your mlvl unless you are actually hunting. Also, for the cost you can usually gain a mlvl for cheaper than 1 level of distance. Right now ,for my paladin, I could boost my magic level by 2 and it would still be cheaper than 1 distance level.

The way AoE hunting has taken over the game the boost of magic level gives you a lot of consistent damage with Divine Caldera and AoE runes. This will help with the life/mana leech on your imbuements with more damage and also give a boost to your healing for more survivability.