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by (2,865 points)
What is better to use in a paladin: assassin stars or bow + arrows ? I have one EK where I can drop many assassin stars hunting, so I use it on my paladin, but when I run out of stars, I use arrows, but I suffer more damage. So I was thinking if it's better I buy assassin stars than arrows.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (42 points)
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depends on hunt, bow advantage: attack distance and regular damage. 
star advantage: shield can be used.

0 votes
by (11 points)
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For lower levels, it depends on the hunt. If you can to run around avoiding contact, use bow/crossbow, otherwise use star + shield.

As a paladin myself, I usually use stars+shield for running around, and hardly ever use them to hunt. For instance, when I'm checking bosses, or running to a hunting ground and don't plan to clear the way, I use star and shield to avoid wasting imbuement time, and not to get much damage through the way.