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Hi, I have the option to buy either a Falcon Bow or a Lion Spanghelm. Just one of those two items.

Currently i have  a Bow of Cataclysm as my main bow and a Zaoan helmet as my primary helmet.

RP lvl 380.

1 Answer

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by (5,318 points)
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The answers for your question will be more accurate and people will provide better advise if you could kindly provide with additional  information:

- All your equipment items (including necklaces & rings)- as you might be in need of upgrading other parts of EQ;

- your skills (distance & mlvl);

- your usual hunting spots- or plans for those;

I will say Lion Spangenhelm  to get additional skills (distance fighting +2 and additional imbue slot).

Falcon bow will be your "best" bow for the long run before purchasing Soulbleeder- this can be purchased bit later once you earn extra 10 kk (assuming you have 26 kk to spend on, 15 goes on Lion Spangenhelm, you earn extra 10 and then you get Falcon Bow). Please see some stats below in tables so it is easier to compare to. 

Zaoan HelmetDark WhispersLion Spangenhelm Falcon Coif
Arm:9,  protection physical +5%
Arm:7, distance fighting +2, protection ice +3%) Arm:7, distance fighting +2, protection physical +3%, earth +5%)Arm:10, distance fighting +2, shielding +2 protection physical +3%, fire +10%)
Imbuing slots 1 2 (only basic Epiphany available) 2 (cannot imbue Powerful Epiphany  2 (cannot imbue Powerful Epiphany  
 Price 0,4-0,6 KK0,3 KK 14-15 KK 46-49 KK

BowsBow of CataclysmLion LongbowFalcon Bow Soulbleeder
PropertiesRange:6, Atk+6, Hit%+4, distance fighting +2, protection death + 4%)Range:6, Atk+6, Hit%+6, distance fighting +2, protection ice + 5%)Range:6, Atk+7, Hit%+5, distance fighting +2, protection fire + 5%)Range:6, Atk+8, Hit%+5, distance fighting +4, critical hit chance 10%, critical extra damage +10% protection holy + 7%)
Imbuing slots 3 333
 3-4 KK3-4 KK 24-26 KK 286-320 KK
