+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
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Hello dear Tibians!

I'd like to see your opinion about imbuements for stars or any distance weapon that u throw directly from your hand. How could CIPSOFT implement it.

Nowadays noone use assassin or royal stars, specially cuz it has no imbuements. Tell us how this problem could be solved?
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2 Answers

+2 votes
by (576 points)
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Best answer
There would be a fairly easy way to implement that feature. Something that has been discussed and asked for a lot arrows already, which is quivers. Have an ammunition container specifically for throwing weapons (something like a weapon belt or bag) to equip in the arrow slot. Limit the items inside to one type of item at a time so no weird mix ups happen unintentionally. Add imbue slots to the bag and voila you have imbued throwing weapons.

Is this necessary though? Using stars is usually done to increase the paladins capabilities to survive. You get the option to use an imbued shield instead of an imbued weapon. Giving paladins the option to use both could bring some balance issues.

I'm all for adding the quality of life quiver / weapon bag but I'm not too fond on imbuements attached to them.
0 votes
by (160 points)
not assasins stars per se, because almost nobody uses then for serious hunts, but we really need some updates on the elemental ammunitions, the quiver option is pretty good