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by (1,322 points)
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Is The Ancient Tombs Quest worth doing, from a reward point of view? (Without considering the very rare items that might drop as loot from some pharaohs).

The reason of this question stems from the fact that a high level experienced player told me that the reward of this quest, the Helmet of the Ancients Helmet of the Ancients is kinda worthless (it cannot be imbued), even if enchanted with a ruby it is still not good enough. And as of now, it is not known how to find a Soul Ruby (which is said to enchant the helmet permanently).

So before embarking in a long quest, I would like to know if the reward factor is relevant when it comes to doing this quest (regarding the fun factor, I am sure it should be a lot of fun).

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (155 points)
Useless in my opinion if as you said, you are not counting the rare items the bosses drops.

Its only use is as decorative item, and since It is not that expensive, not many people use It for this purpose.

Other think I don't like about completing this quest, is that after you do It, you cant enter the small rooms where you go when going throw the tps of the bosses rooms when you kill them. So if for example you are skull you can't hide there, or teach a pk hidden there.
by (1,322 points)
The point about the small rooms is very good, thanks!
+1 vote
by (6,736 points)

If you take into account only worth or usability of Helmet of the Ancients , The Ancient Tombs Quest is waste of your time.

On the other hand reward can be also achievements, which you can make during this Quest - Ministrel and Hidden Powers. Anyway, to get these achievements you still don't have to do whole Quest, you can visit only one tomb and use Enchanted Ruby on your friend's helmet.

To sum up: Skip it if you don't care about all this RPG things.

0 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Helmet of the Ancients In my opinion, The Ancient Tombs Quest would definitely be worth it.This quest is simply a Tibian classic. It's a nice experience, you should experience it at least once. There's no rush though so I would complete when I have time to enjoy! Not only do you get the reward of an item that can only be obtained through this quest, The Helmet of the Ancients, but you get a chance of getting other rares as well....

Rares that are dropped and by which boss:

Adding to my answer the usability of the Helmet of Ancients would be good as a deco to have in your home or to keep in handy incase anyone can find that soul ruby. Right now in the market it's 20,000 in Pacera which is NON-PVP world from 2004. I think it's up to you is the quest really worth having a useless decoration item at the moment? Or will it be a nice helmet for one of your side characters as it has armor 11?

by (1,322 points)
Hi there, my question was asking not taking into account neither the fun factor, nor the pharaohs' loot which depend on low probabily. It was more directly related to the usability of the Helmet of the Ancient which seems to be outdated.
I'm sure this quest must be a lot of fun though.
by (17,406 points)
Edited my answer I hope you understand
by (200 points)
wow didnt know