+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
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Hello my friends!

I want to gather some  The Heart of the see to use it as deco in my house. We can get it in first stage of Liquid Black Quest. My question is, if I can get it when it's already second or third stage of this quest? And how many  per day I can get?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (4,311 points)
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You won't be able. Take a look what fandom says:

The Liquid Black Quest centers around the Deeplings world change. However, the missions are not linearly dependent. This means you can do the missions without having done any previous missions, so you can skip most of this spoiler.

The missions available, however, are dependent on the Deeplings world change. The table below lists the Deeplings stage, the missions available, and how to progress during these stages. Note that 200 points are required to progress to the next stage.

Source: TibiaFandom

I asked a personal friend who is mastered about Liquid Black Quest, she confirmed that the second and third stages must be closed.

by (4,311 points)
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Ok, it's confirmed, you can not do it.
by (4,451 points)
Oh that's bad....I really wanted to make it...On Anti577409a it gonna be very hard :( thank you for your help!