+3 votes
by (5,796 points)
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I want to know if negative statuses will stack (sum up until a certain quantity) or if they will refresh every time I receive a new one. I want to know if it differs among what negative we are talking about as well (for example, Drunk is a status that it seems to get worse as we are hit by that, but I don't know about Poison status.. If there is a difference here, how does it work for negative conditions?).

For example, for poison: If I get poisoned by a Wyvern, it is one kind of damage per turn and one kind of duration. However, if I get poisoned by a Poison Spider, it will be a different damage and duration. In this case the weak poison of the Poison Spider will be the one that I will receive? Or will it be a stack of damages and durations? Or the Wyvern poison stays on top of all?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer

The stronger status will prevail, I'll give some examples:

  • You get hit by a Scorpion and get poisoned starting at 15 damage, then you get hit by a Wasp and get poisoned again. The Scorpion damage will prevail, thus no change in damage taken and no change in duration.

  • You get hit by a Wasp and get poisoned starting at 2 damage, then you get hit by a Scorpion and get poisoned again. The Scorpion damage will prevail, thus you will start to lose 15 HP, instead of keeping the 2 HP damage from the Wasp, therefor, the damage taken will increase and so will the duration.

  • You get hit by a Scorpion and get poisoned starting at 15 damage, then after a while, when the effect is already at 10HP/Turn you get hit by another Scorpion and get poisoned again. In this case, it will refresh, the damage will start again at 15HP/Turn and the duration will restart.
+2 votes
by (5,051 points)

In addition to Fire_Draggon answer, about negativo condition causes by player:
