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by (11 points)
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When i turn into an avatar after taking an amplification potion, (ex: Holy amplification potion) does one thing cancel the other? or the effect of the two things are activated?

1 Answer

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by (2,426 points)

They don't cancel each other. This can be easily seen by looking at the server log messages of the damage dealt, which will still show the note about the increased damage:

20:34:18 Ferumbras loses 3368 hitpoints due to a critical attack by <player>. (active elemental amplification)

20:34:18 Ferumbras loses 2826 hitpoints due to a critical attack by <player>. (active elemental amplification)

20:34:18 Ferumbras loses 2762 hitpoints due to a critical attack by <player>. (active elemental amplification)

20:34:20 Ferumbras loses 3082 hitpoints due to a critical attack by <player>. (active elemental amplification)

The message above is a real message from Ferumbras on Pacera a few days ago, showing the damage dealt by the player who dealt more damage to the boss and won Ferumbras' Hat. Obviously, he had Avatar on. 

by (85 points)
How did he attacked 4 times in 2 seconds? Omg
by (2,426 points)
1 Weapon attack
2 Spell attack > Kooldown Potion
3 Spell attack
4 Weapon or spell attack (2s after previous attacks)

Probably using a macro to do it flawlessly.