+1 vote
by (4,162 points)
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Winterlight Solstice is approaching, and I'd like to kill  Animated Snowman  for bestiary. A friend of mine told me that it is very difficult to summon him because the snowman has a cooldown. Is there a proven way to end the bestiary faster or isn't it rather possible? Anyone have any ideas?

4 Answers

+4 votes
by (6,736 points)

I'll refresh this topic since I have something to add :D

Animated Snowman you can resp every 5 min - that's a fact. I agree that in group of, for example, 10 people it is much faster, exactly 10 times faster, but 500 minutes to complete bestiary isn't satisfactory solution. At least in my opinion.

Me and my friends finished it much faster, in about 2 hours.

We did it in a group of 8 players (more people killed Snowmans too fast and part of us weren't able to hit each Snowman) but 2 players had 20 8-lvl characters to relog and use carrots on a giant snowball. You have to know, that this cooldown runs even if your character is offline, that's why with 20 chars you don't have to wait, you simply relog on another char and after 5 minutes the first one is ready again to use the carrot.

Additionally each of you have to use one carrot every 5 min.

As other guys mentioned: you have to bring a lot of carrots  and snowballs to make it as fast as possible.

From m own experience players rather help than disturb - we did it next to the boat.

+3 votes
by (4,311 points)

The best way to do this bestiary is with a large group of friends, so you might "summon" a big amount of Animated Snowman. 

As Shawtay said, every player must bring a good quantity of Frozen Carrots and Snowballs to make the creature appear.

Even with a large team it will take long time, for example:

  • You have to kill 1000 Animated Snowman, with a team of 10 players, you will kill 10 of them every five minutes, it means you will take  500 minutes to complete the bestiary.
You must take to your team don't be too big, or in this case not every one will hit the creatures.
+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

To kill the animated snowman it's recommended you have a group of friends whom also would like the bestiary entry and summon the snowmen together as a team as the snowman has a 5 minute cooldown per player. This is only during the Winter Solstice event that you can spawn these creatures.

Barrel Filled with Hammers -> Soft Hammer-> Bonny Bunny-> Frozen Carrot -> Snow Heap-> Snowball-> Snowball->Large Snowball->Frozen Carrot-> Animated Snowman

This is how you spawn an Animated Snowman, as you can see it takes time and I highly recommend having a group of trusted friends to summon as much as you can!

Edit: I want to edit my answer to inform you it's best if you collect the carrots and large snowballs needed to summon the animated snowman before summoning them with your group of friends. You'll need a lot so keep using the heaps of snow in a designated area and keep smacking bunnies. Also stay away from the entrance so people don't see you summoning the snowmen and steal your kills! Make sure you all hit low and slow so everyone can get a chance to attack. Cheers, I'm excited for this event again.

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by (200 points)
Thanks was finding out how too
by (4,162 points)
I will also add that you can summon snowmen with other characters and relog the main character and then kill it. I noticed this way with one streamer this year.
0 votes
by (1,205 points)
In addition to the the methods already mentioned, you can now use a Bestiary Betterment potion to cut the charming time in half. Each kill will count as 2 for 1 hour. Happy charming!

If you don't finish within 1 hour, there is a 24h cooldown on using another potion.