+4 votes
by (2,564 points)

Today I've realized that not all Lightbearer related monsters are fully unlocked in my bestiary. Since those are easy 50 charm points I wanted to quickly check which of them are unlocked and which not. However, I haven't found any way to do that other than manually typing the name of each monster to check if it's unlocked or not. Is there any way to easily check a list of all monsters that are fully unlocked in my bestiary?

by (4,311 points)
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Well I removed my answer since Beix answer is a better option than I've suggested, so follow her steps =D.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (5,046 points)
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The only way that comes to my mind, is checking in your charm list, which creatures you can put the charm on, because those are the ones that you have unlocked ^^.

For this you need to have bought at least one charm 'rune', and have no creature selected on it:

by (4,311 points)
Very good point, I didn't remeber of this
by (5,046 points)
Came to my mind when I went hunting xD
Sad thing that someone decided to downvote me on this answer :/