+1 vote
by (1,389 points)
Can somebody advise what is the best/fastest way to complete all available bestiaries on Isle of Evil?
by (1,274 points)
I don't particularly like this place, it took me a while to make just one type of bestiary because the monsters, although quick to be reborn, are few.
by (396 points)
I have my own route that I used, if I got time I will try to share it here during this week but you are looking at 5-6h or so. And I dismissed Demon Parrots and Evil Sheep Lords because they took longer.
by (1,274 points)
EXACTLY, I gave up for now.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (48 points)
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Best answer

Tips to finish bestiary on Isle of Evil as fast as possible:

  • Do it on rapid respawn weekend or at least when Yalahar is boosted area.
  • Share Island on 3 parts and do only one at once:
    • 1st part - red (look at the map below) - run from Killer rabbits on entrance to Evil Sheep Lord and Demon Parrots on mountains. - Once you're done with Killer Rabbits go to 2nd part.
    • 2nd part - blue - Run from Demon Parrots on mountain to Hot Dog on mountain. - Once you're done with Demon parrot go to 3rd part.
    • 3rd part - yellow - Run from Hot Dog on mountain to Evil Sheep lord on last mountain and to Infernal Frogs. Repeat the route till you're done with every monster.
    • Meanwhile doing each part you'll be killing dozens of Vampire Pigs, Doom Deer and Evil Sheep.

by (934 points)
Thank you! ^^