+4 votes
by (1,322 points)
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With the implementation of the hunting tasks, points are obtained which can be exchanged at the NPC Walter Jaeger. He can be found in Thais.

It is mentioned that those points can be exchanged for outfits, mounts, and decorative items. Could anybody provide a list of such rewards?
by (1,351 points)
We just had a teaser about it that doesn't show the rewards. To be able to answer this someone would need to work at cipsoft.
Only at the test server we'll be able to see the rewards. Fan sites might get one or two screen shots that give us some info but a complete list is not possible.
by (2,564 points)
Even though this cannot be answered yet, this is a perfectly valid question.
by (5,801 points)
It is an absurd that people are using downvotes in a completely wrong manner. The question is valid and pretty good. It will be a useful one to check about soon.
by (4,162 points)
@FPoPP  You're absolutely right, it's a shame some people are abusing it ...

5 Answers

+4 votes
by (4,162 points)
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Best answer

Points can be exchanged for the following prizes :


Antelope    145 000 HTP


Falconer Outfit

Base :  (male) (female)       100 000 HTP

First Addon :(male) (female)      35 000 HTP

Second Addon : (male)  (female)   35 000 HTP

Full addons :  (male)  (female)   


Gold Hunter Trophy   80 000 HTP      

Silver Hunter Trophy    15 000 HTP     

 Bronze Hunter Trophy  3 000 HTP

Hellflayer Trophy   80 000 HTP   

Sea Serpent Trophy  15 000 HTP    

Gozzler Trophy 3 000 HTP

Brachiodemon Trophy  80 000 HTP

Many Faces Trophy 50 000 HTP

Falcon Pet   135 000 HTP


 Bone Bed 35 000 HTP

                                                  NPC Walter Jaeger is here:

by (17,425 points)
Hello, can you please update your answer? I edited the last time there were some updates.
by (4,162 points)
Hello, I added information. Thank you!
+1 vote
by (4,316 points)
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The possible rewards are:


  • Falconer outfit (Base Outfit 100.000HTP; First Addon 35000HTP; Second Addon 35.000HTP)


  • Antelope mount (145.000HTP)


  • Gozzler trophy (5.000 HTP)
  • Bronze hunter trophy (3.000 HTP)
  • Sea serpent trophy (15.000 HTP)
  • Silver hunter trophy (15.000 HTP)
  • Hellflayer trophy (80.000 HTP)
  • Gold hunter trophy (80.000 HTP).


  • Bone bed (35.000 HTP).

*HTP = Hunting Task Points

by (17,425 points)
0 votes
by (58 points)
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On tibia's site I read that the rewards was Outfits,Mounts and decoration items. However since it's just a teaser the rewards are subject to change!

Best Regards Frazzie
by (17,425 points)
Hello, telling us where to go isn't an answer. It's helpful to include the link and what's in the link.
0 votes
by (6,736 points)
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According to the recent NEWS the list of rewards is the same, but amount of HTP is visibly lower:

Antelope    145 000 HTP


Falconer Outfit:

Base :  (male) (female)       100 000 HTP

First Addon :(male) (female)      35 000 HTP

Second Addon : (male)  (female)   35 000 HTP

Full addons :  (male)  (female)   

Bone Bed 35 000 HTP

Gold Hunter Trophy   80 000 HTP      

Silver Hunter Trophy    15 000 HTP     

 Bronze Hunter Trophy  3 000 HTP

Hellflayer Trophy   80 000 HTP   

Sea Serpent Trophy  15 000 HTP    

Gozzler Trophy 3 000 HTP

0 votes
by (17,425 points)

Since the other answers keep becoming outdated multiple times, I decided to post a new answer from my source: Tibia Wiki - Prey System I will try to edit if any updates.

"The Hunting Task Points can be exchanged for different rewards with NPC Walter Jaeger in Thais. He can be found north-east of the temple."

RewardCost in HTP
Bronze Hunter TrophyBronze Hunter Trophy3,000
Gozzler TrophyGozzler Trophy3,000
Sea Serpent Trophy (Prey)Sea Serpent Trophy (Prey)15,000
Silver Hunter TrophySilver Hunter Trophy15,000
Bone BedBone Bed35,000
Outfit Falconer Male Addon 1.gifOutfit Falconer Female Addon 1.gifFalconer Outfits addon 135,000
Outfit Falconer Male Addon 2.gifOutfit Falconer Female Addon 2.gifFalconer Outfits addon 235,000
Many Faces TrophyMany Faces Trophy50,000
Brachiodemon TrophyBrachiodemon Trophy80,000
Gold Hunter TrophyGold Hunter Trophy80,000
Hellflayer TrophyHellflayer Trophy80,000
Outfit Falconer Male.gifOutfit Falconer Female.gifFalconer Outfits base100,000
Falcon PetFalcon Pet135,000
AntelopeAntelope mount145,000

