+1 vote
by (421 points)
I wonder if it is possible to do hunting tasks in Rookgaard and / or Dawnport?

If yes, do you just have the selection out of the Monsters which spawn there?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

No, players in Rookgaard or Dawnport cannot make Hunting Tasks according to the Tibia manual

by (5,523 points)
This is accurate. I checked on a Rook character. You will receive a message "Characters who have not reached the main continent cannot select a prey or a hunting Task.
by (5,796 points)
I can however select a prey on mainland, rook myself and hunt with the prey in Rookgaard/Dawnport. At least I had this opportunity in the past. Can't confirm about doing it now or if is possible doing hunting tasks that way.
by (17,406 points)
No, you can't do that anymore, I tested this out recently some months ago when I rooked myself :)