+1 vote
by (4,336 points)
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I am playing on Antica and I know, a lot rich people play there. I am wonder how it look on other servers. For example on Antica no one have golden outfit but I heard people on other servers have it. How is it look on your server? Do you know someone with golden outfit? Who is the richest person on your server?
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7 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,070 points)
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in Secura a friend of mine is the richest one , he have the golden outfit, winged helmet , horned helmet , 3 soh , almost all fansite items , gamemaster doll , 2 golden helmet , full tome set ,broken amulet , bronze amulet , full amazon set , hammer of prophecy , and many more rares , you can see them in his house:

by (4,336 points)
You scared me.I am owner of this small empty house on first picture..I thought that I lost my premium xd
by (5,070 points)
hahaha this screens have some days
+2 votes
by (5,689 points)
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Kebaeb from Vunira must be rich because he have Golden Outfit! :) devil


VUNIRA Full Outfit for 1,000,000,000 gold: - Gabhriela - Kebaeb

by (3,816 points)
yeah kebaeb is a rich dicer in vunira ... know nothing about the other one yet :s
+2 votes
by (309 points)

I'll suggest Ryuz for Menera, he actually owns the Full Golden Outfit.

And something extra :P when I saw him I told that he's a living leyend... Then he gave me a Brain in a Jar 20 seconds before SS.

+2 votes
by (4,311 points)
At Celebra I believe the richest guy is Longshot, he has Mage full and owns another Ferumbra's Hat.
+1 vote
by (4,162 points)

I saw some people who was stream have outfits. It's really cool ! Also i meet some :
World Serdebra :

And one in my server Peloria, only Basic Outfit was Waleczny Optylion yes

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

02:02 You see a closed door. It belongs to house 'Central Circle 1'. Ozen owns this house. Antica. This is is rich! :D

0 votes
by (7,037 points)

Server: Gladera (Optional PvP) from USA.

by (5,689 points)
Woo, actually the most written board.
by (2,564 points)
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