+1 vote
For remembrance and history records: Who was the first person with  Golden outfit recorded on Rookgaard and when did that happen?

1 Answer

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by (17,406 points)
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On November 11, 2020 Golden Jay rooked his character level 89 with the golden outfit, which costs 1kkk gold in Mainland. Here is an image that is taken from my source (Reddit) and proof from a (Twitch Clip)

r/Rookgaard - Golden outfit and 4 charms on Rookgaard

I also wanted to paste a screenshot from Tibia's official website proving he's in Rookgaard and when his last death was. As you can see, Big Spender is listed as his title which means he has the full Golden Outfit.

by (2,865 points)
This is one of the greatest WHAT THE... things I've ever seen. Why did he rooked? How he had enough money to buy golden outfit at level 89? What point he wants to make? This is really impressive also
by (17,406 points)
One of his characters is named creditcard Jay lolll
by (5,730 points)