0 votes
by (4,311 points)
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Hello, Dear Tibians!

I like to have some info about my progress in games this way I can improve my efficiency. I use to visit Orcsearch and Tibiafrags. I would find info about my XP/hour, how many hours I stay online, and how much XP I've made per day/week/month, along with another bunch of information.

Can you please list which fansites show stats about Tibia and what types? Thank you!

by (5,689 points)
about all statistcs or bosses?
by (4,311 points)
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About Statistics, Orcsearch is not about bosses.
Just wondering why someone downvote this question !

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,162 points)

I also recommend https://guildstats.eu/options?v=4, but for xp i https://mrthomsen.de/ If you are searching for accurate statistics about the in-game development of Tibian characters and worlds, you are at the right place!

+1 vote
by (544 points)
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Best answer

Another good option to visit is www.tibiaring.com. There you can find information like:

  1. Level story
  2. XP/hour and lvl/hour
  3. Level rank
  4. Party share XP
  5. Death Penalty Calculator
  6. Death history
by (4,311 points)
I like this one, did't know about this website. Thx for the information
+1 vote
by (5,318 points)
From officially Supported and promoted fansites:

https://guildstats.eu/ - Providing wide range statistics for Characters for Main and Rook, even with option oldest accounts on Rookgaard! Basically: stats for chars, guilds, worlds and bosses.

https://tibiavip.app/ -  Player's guids and worlds statistics

https://www.tibiabosses.com/ - with the focus on statistics for bosses

https://tibiopedia.pl -> Bosses statistics & loot statistics

https://www.exevopan.com/ - Char Bazaar statistics with Cipsoft revenue from Char Bazaar

https://tibiapal.com/- Lot's of different tools with stats

https://www.tibiawars.com/index.php - Stats about wars

https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page - Drop & item statistics
0 votes
by (393 points)

The Place I go to find stats about my character is https://guildstats.eu/ (Which is a Promoted Fansite) it has all kinda of stats such as Time online highscores and different XP earned by certain players on highscores. It is one of if not the best to find good info
