+1 vote
by (1,142 points)
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It is known that we can ask the support about some account/character specific stats. I've even asked once for a full list of achievements gained on my main char:

I've also heard that we can ask how many specific floor tiles has the character walked on (like fire or underwater) or how old is our character (creation date).

My question is - what else can we ask about? Can I, for example, ask how many witches have I killed since the creation of my char (2005)? It might be a source of very interesting info.

by (2,564 points)
If I recall correctly, during Bestiary/charm points implementation they mentioned they didn't collect kill statistics per character, that's why everyone has to start fresh. So the only kill statistics per char may be the one that you have in your bestiary.
by (3,816 points)
I think when they created the bestiary they had to reset because when I made the first dragon quest (when it started ) I already had a huge number on dragon killing but it could be just a bug....

1 Answer

–1 vote
by (28 points)
Probably you could ask Cipsoft Support about that, in my opinion they are the only ones that have that info with them.
by (6,736 points)
The question is "what else can we ask about?"