+2 votes
by (5,318 points)

What are all the ways to contact owners or moderators of fansite in a safe manner if I have an urgent inquiry ? Also, what would be the best way of communicating if website is temporarily down and I never joined their discord (or other) channels?

This question is only with regards to the officially recognised websites listed on Tibia.com.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (17,404 points)
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To contact a fansite typically all fansites have a contact page. However, if the fansite is down you can go to Tibia's Fansites page and it will list all the social media they use and the contact for the website. I'm sure most fansites wouldn't mind you giving them a message in-game however, it might be better to seek an alternate route like social media. Also, it's always important to be careful and make sure you don't click on links you're not familiar with on social media and be careful. Some players can claim they are a part of a fansite staff, but if you don't know this for a fact then you need to be cautious and just go with the main contact.

Let me give you an example- The main contact is Ellotris Guardian for TibiaQA and they have the following social media-

Also, if you scroll toward the bottom of TibiaQA we can find the contact page which states for TibiaQA:

  • Ellotris Guardian is a maintainer of this site. You can contact him directly on this site or in-game. You can also e-mail us at tibiaqa.adm@gmail.com 
  • If you have any feedback, please feel free to use the feedback form. If you have any specific issues or questions, please post on Meta Tibia Q&A.

Some fansite pages have their contact page in other locations as well besides the bottom of the page. Also, a little fun fact sometimes the contact of the fansite isn't the owner of the fansite. For example, Bomdrax is the contact currently for TibiaRia, but Elfo Fantasma is the owner. -Tibia Article about Fansite Appreciate Day 2022  Please note, that these contacts can become outdated so make sure to always visit Tibia's Fansites page for updated information.

by (6,736 points)
"Also, a little fun fact sometimes the contact of the fansite isn't the owner of the fansite. For example, Bomdrax is the contact currently for TibiaRia"
> in this article I just read that Bomdrax takes care of social media and general management (which means moderating social media, posting content, stories on Instagram etc.), but in fact, you can contact every team member. There is no rule that a site has a designated contact person and that person is the only one to exchange messages with. I think this can be misleading. I myself have contacted Elfo with no problem regarding his fansite.
by (17,404 points)
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I talked with bomdrax a month ago as he's on my server Pacera and he advised me that he's the main contact as elfo can be busy sometimes. This doesn't mean you can't contact him also. Hope this cleared it up as I didn't mean you can only contact one staff member.