+3 votes
by (934 points)

I'm thinking if there's any record of how many people that has finished specific achievements.

Like the statistics over monsters and bosses killed.

Would be interesting seeing for example "Running the Rift" how many that has received the Rift Runner mount, and other really rare achievements.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,141 points)

The best you can get as of now is the "Top 10 rare achievements" list on TibiaRing:


The algorithm analyses player profiles on tibia.com and scans for the rarest, publicly visible achievements.

Unfortunately, there are only 10 of them, but it's better than nothing.

by (1,274 points)
How cool I hadn't realized that.
+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
As far as I know there is no way to determine, or any fan site that has stats of approximately how many people have a particular achievement.
0 votes
by (1,274 points)

I didn't find any page related to the subject, just Highscores from Tibia's own page and from your character where you can see which ones are missing and which ones have already been made

. https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=highscores It would be interesting to have a page with statistics of achievements made by the characters.
