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Currently lvl 220 EK mostly bunting deeper banuta or glooth tower with my gnome sword. Have been using Vampirism(T3) and Mana(T3) leech in my sword and it has worked out fine. But i have been told numerous times by guildies to switch to Crit+Mana instead.

So my question is if this is feasible or if i should wait until a later lvl with greater HP pool? My HP only really drops deep when i run out of mana or garlic necklace runs out in banuta. Anyone have similar experience and know the end result?

5 Answers

0 votes
by (41 points)
critical 3 is insane maybe you will use more pots but you will increase your exp/hour a lot also profit highly recommend to put critical hit 3
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by (5,051 points)
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It is really up to you. If you feel that you won't get hs without the vampirism, go for critical +3.

You have to consider that vampirism can be used on the armor too, but crit can only be used on the weapon.

Moreover since critical will help you to increase the damage, the vampirism of the armor will 'heal' you more in each hit, not as much as you would if u had the 2 vampirism, but enough good. Hitting more will make you get more exp/h and loot/hour as well.
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by (4,311 points)
At weapons, doesn´t matter which one the first imbuent is always Critical, specially for Knight and Paladins, Critical>Void>Vampirism.

For me do not make sense u  be using Void+Vampism. Also with critical u are going to increase your XP.
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by (7,037 points)
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The critical imbuement can help you to kill more faster, so reduce the time who you confront each creature (Also up the experience/time).

You have to consider that vampirism can be used on the armor too, but critical can only be used on the weapon. Each of imbuements are totally useful and gonna help you to make more profit, experience, less waste, kill more faster and get more survive.

So at the end in my opinion, get critical and void on the gnome sword and vampirism on the armor.
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by (71 points)
For hunts that you have already mastered you can use void (3) and crit (3). If you go on a teamhunt to a hard spawn where you do not have the charms yet you could use vampirism instead of crit. That way you will have more sustain. Keep in mind that the crits will give you more mana through void (3), so when you use vampirism you could potentially struggle to keep your mana up at your level.