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by (159 points)
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Could anyone please explain me why my Sanguine Rod is not adding Critical Hit chance to my Skill bars?

Here’s the situation: Sanguine Rods have critical hit chance 10% and critical extra damage +5% as its attribute.
And everyone knows that Powerfull strike Imbuement gives us 10% critical hit chance and 50% critical extra damage.

Thing is that when I equip my Sanguine Rod with power strike the critical hit chance remains 10% while critical extra damage goes to 55% (50% from Imbuement + 5% from the rod’s attribute).

Why does that happen? Isn’t it supposed to be 20% critical hit chance?

1 Answer

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by (1,208 points)

Cipsoft want it that way. The same happens with soul set. Even if the weapon has critical chance as an attribute, the game do not allow to have more than 10% chances. 

On weapons which are part of the Soul Set, this imbuement can be applied but it only increases the extra damage (from 10% to 60%). The intrinsic crit chance of the weapon is only displayed as (10%) and not (+10%), and thus the chances of getting a critical hit remain at 10% even when imbued.

