+5 votes
by (51 points)
I wonder what will be more effective for training magic level. Lets say i got 210000 gp. Should i buy 1 training wand or 2625 strong mana potions?
by (2,564 points)
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I guess you are asking what is more effective cost-wise (that is - can you get more magic level progress with SMPs or training wand for the same amount of money)?

8 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,318 points)
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Exercise Weapon  Mana Potions
Time  Faster at least x3  Slower, due to cool-downs, souls, and clicking potions all the time
PriceMore Expensive, Cheaper Only if using Ultimate Mana Potions (not significantly) Cheaper for most potions (apart of Ultimate Mana Potion)
 AFK You can AFK and do other things, including sleeping! You can be AFK for 8 hours, It saves your private time! (Time is money;) You have to be at the computer at all times (macro is illegal) 1
 Soul/Spells/ Runes N/a Negatives: If making runes at PZ- your soul will finish at some point and you will have to either wait, or swap to PZ spells (which are usually consuming small amount of mana) or get out from PZ to use other spells, most of the spells will have cool-down
 Positives: If making runes- you can use them later or sell on market (partial investment is back)


AVARAGE mana upload for each potion:

Mana Potion: 

(87+121+120+85+108+123+78+117+89+95+123+87+107+115+75+96+120+97+111+84)/20= 2038/20=101.9 + ~102

Strong Mana Potions:

( 136+133+136+153+133+121+175+145+122+165+152+171+183+141+164+154+150+183+119+166)/20= 3002/20= 150.1 + ~150

Average of Great Mana Potions:

(231+238+189+156+153+206+250+197+229+242+224+197+243+177+222+200+191+205+229+176):20= 4155/20= 207.75= ~208

Average of Ultimate Mana potions:

(493+529+431+456+512+480+497+503+438+515+455+551+450+540+507+452+517+502+560+457):20 = 9845/20= 49.25 = ~492

PotionsMana PotionStrong Mana PotionGreat Mana PotionUltimate Mana Potion
Average 102 150 223  492

50 shots of Exercise weapon is equivalent to 30,000 Mana. 2

Cost of 50 shot is 26250 GP ( Price of Wand with 500 shots is 262500/ 10 = 26250)

Price (NPC) Total Price= (30,000/ Average) x Price of potionPotion (P) vs  price of Wand (W)Price Difference for wand 500 shots 
 Mana Potion 56 294 x 56 = 16,470 P<W (potions cheaper) 97,800 GP
Strong Mana Potions 93 200 x 93 = 18,600 P<W (potions cheaper) 76,500 GP
Great Mana Potions 144 144 x 144 = 20,736 P < W (Potions cheaper) 55,140 GP
Ultimate Mana Potions 438 61x438 = 26,718 P>W ( Wand Cheaper)   4680 GP

Test for Burning the Mana and using potions vs wand- Timings:

Test on Druid 466 lvl with 13830 mana capacity, Used Ultimate Mana Potions

 Exercise Weapon Time for 50 shots wand Time to burn 30,000 Mana ( uploading whole mana from zero and burning it out by doing runes)
Time  1min 40 seconds  Average 6 min +. *

*The time will change depending on what Mana potions will use. 

Test With RP  Level 154, Mlvl 23 and 2280 mana capacity, used strong mana potions:

50 shots of wand, change in Mlvl:

33.15%->32.13 %

Doing Runes and uploading mana's:

30.09%---> 29,07% 

Soul finished after half way through, swapped to spells. Made around 75 Disintegrate Runes (confirming 30,000 mana equivalency, 150x 200 mana), spend more than 8 minutes due to cool-downs and used strong mana potions. 

Time needed to upload 30,000 mana only (burning not included)

Mana PotionStrong Mana PotionGreat Mana PotionUltimate Mana Potion
Time 5 min 56 4 min  3 min 15 1 min 20

1. 3. b) from https://www.tibia.com/support/?subtopic=tibiarules

2. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Exercise_Weapons

+1 vote
Effective in which way? Time consuming? Speed? Mana/gold?

If you buy the rod you will take 16 minutes to spend 300.000 points of mana and just watch it go up.

If you buy 2625 smp you will take ~50 minutes to spend 393.750 points of mana, but you will need to use it all and use magic skills to spend the mana.
by (2,564 points)
Worth mentioning that if you go with SMPs, you can convert those mana points into something of a value eg. runes that you can later on sell and further reduce the costs.
+1 vote
As it is said, training with rod/wand is the least effective way when it comes to gp/percent ratio, but on the other hand its the fastest way of doing it (except of umps+paralyze runes). Even doing it with pure umps is problematic, because its rly hard to be able to use all the mana which ump per second can restore (except of umps+paralyze on druids, but on the other hand its a lot more expensive than wand/rod + you have to click it whole the time.

Conclusion: if you have time and isnt scared of clicking it, use potions - do it, youll get more per every 1k spent, but will take much longer.  If you want to do sth else or the advancement/hour makes you the difference then use wand/rod.
+1 vote
As mentioned, this depends on the choice of mana potion, small mana potions will always return more mana per gold coin, but you are hindered by their lower gain meaning longer time to fill and deplete your mana bar.

In relation to training wands, this can largely depend on the price of tibia coins on your server of choice.

Assuming the 500 charges relates to 500 ultimate mana potions, if the cost of the training wand is less than the cost of 500 mana potions then the wand is the better option. However, do keep in mind the 10% boost from using a trainer bought from the store, this would mean that it would be of equal value to 550 ultimate mana potions.

Then of course you have to factor in your time and effort, if the wand/rod is cheaper by all means go for it. However, if buying the 500 ultimates is cheaper you have to ask yourself is the difference worth the effort of drinking them and casting spells.

From my point of view, anything around 10% increase in price is not worth the time to drink potions, i would sooner buy a training item and go make food, read a book, reserach some lore etc..

Excusing the length of my post, the final point to consider is how you would spend the mana from potions, training items will return nothing but magic level, however drinking potions and making avalanche/sudden death/great fireball runes would either allow you to use them on a hunt, saving you having to buy them, or you could sell them to recoup some costs.

As you can see many factors are in play here, but ideally start with the cost of mana potions vs training items and go from there!
0 votes
by (30 points)
Worse potion is much more effective, if u care about waste.

mana post->strong->great->ultimate->wand/rod

By buying wand/rod u waste 100ump per training item.

Cause training wand/rod is 500ump and u paying for 600.
by (576 points)
Your numbers are off.

One wand/rod equals ~305.000 mana spent which is roughly 610 UMP
0 votes
The strong mana potions will give slightly more mana/gp ratio. However the amount is so small that the time saving of the training wand/rod will be far more rewarding. The best mana/gp ratio even now is still the normal mana potion, but the time it would take would be insane.
0 votes
by (51 points)
I have done a little research about it and the final result is that it is better to train magic level with mana potions than with a training wand / rod.

Except that you want the results from yesterday to today so OFC use a training wand / rod, because the results with the mana potions will be only effective in the long term.
0 votes
by (5,796 points)
One important thing to mention: Many people like to buy wands/rods and "rush" Magic Level on Double Skill events (like the one currently on this weekend). They do that mainly because it is a fast way to get great skills in a short time, but it is a somewhat costly thing to do.

But if you are not that hurry, making runes with SMP would be a great idea.