+1 vote
by (16 points)
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This is the new 5 lever boss in Cobra Bastion.

My question is: How is loot divided? The boss is not killed by attacking the boss, but by damaging the boss by the mirror mechanic.

You are suppose to lock the boss between the mirrors by using the armor in the north of the room. Once locked, you face the mirrors on her and attack the boss to trigger damage (7500~). If one person is doing the attacking during the fight, does the group still have a chance at loot?

We did it this way because if the mirror damage triggered all attacks subsequent would be healing the boss. To minimize the chances of error, we designated one person to be the attacker. Does this mean only that person can get loot?

Thanks in advance!

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,318 points)

As some of the answers below are outdated and from period where boss was bugged in some of the cases. They are two ways of players doing Scarlett and getting loot from the boss. 

First one: Doing damage on Scarlett by using Mirrors and making damage of 7500 in order to kill her. You will stay in the room solo or with the team of 4 in total ( only 4 times you can hi Scarlett by using Mirrors, as her HP is 30000) and each of you will hit the boss with Mirror strategy. Mirror strategy will be described further below the answer. 

Second one: "Ava strategy". You might meet some of the players who will ask you if they can " Ava Scarlett". What does it mean. - You might have noticed that that actually 5 players can enter Scarlett's room in the same time- which at first can be for you strange as using the Mirror's strategy only 4 of players would get the rewards. The Ava strategy is when the player's enter Scarlett room and use Avalanche on her to do any type of damage and leave the room. The Mirrors strategy is not used- you just enter, drop Avalanche and leave the boss room, where one person (or more) is staying to finish the boss with Mirror strategy. As you caused damage to the boss, you will also receive the award, even if you are not in the boss room when it dies. The downfall of "ava strategy" is in the situation when the person who stayed in the room fails the boss (does not kill Scarlett)- then you will not get your reward. 

Mirror Strategy steps (source https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Scarlett_Etzel) and Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvqVSau_5ak

  1. Lure Scarlett away from the mirrors you will use (preferably to the south) and run back to "lose" her.
  2. Throw Galthen's Chestplate to the center of the mirrors.
  3. Rotate (use) the four mirrors so they face the center of the square where Scarlett is.
  4. Lure Scarlett back to the mirrors and quickly use Galthen's Chestplate.
  5. Wait a couple of seconds to make sure she already stopped moving, then move away and attack her once so she takes the 7500 damage.
  6. Lure Scarlett away from the mirrors again and lose her and wait until the Chestplate reappears (30 seconds).
  7. Repeat the steps above, 4 successful turns are enough to kill Scarlett.

0 votes
by (29 points)
One tip...

Right on the first strike, try to use the armor to paralyze Scarlett just to attack (without mirror mechanics).. Let everyone attack for 4~5 turns (careful to not heal her after that)...

After everyone attack her, do the mirrors mechanic...
–1 vote
by (4,311 points)
Idk exactly how the loot is divided, but I think a good strategy is:

If u go with 5 ppl, you will have the blocker and 4 shooter, considering that u need to hit Scarlet 4 times to kill her, u should set that every shooter will deal damage at her once. The blocker can click thre armor and arrange the mirrors. This way I think everyone will receive the prize.
–1 vote
by (439 points)
From what I did on the boss If you use the mirror strategy which traps the boss inside the mirror and you attack it once (you should do it one person at the time dealing a hit that way is balanced), but because the mirrors do the most  damage the chance of getting loot will be much harder, than killing the boss normally without trapping it
–1 vote
by (5,070 points)
I killed Scarlett solo and with team , with team I was the one making all the mechanichs , I was the one that hitted Scarlett 4 times and in the last time I didnt got loot , 2 random ppl of the team got it and I did everything and got nothing. Thats the reason because now I will go alone.

I think they will change how its killed , but I think that in those 8 seconds she is blocked if you dont do normal attacks maybe you dont get loot.
–1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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So one day ago I did it on a 5 players team this way: We all kept attacking her for over 30 seconds in the beginning and after it we started making the mirror mechanism.

Today I have done it only with an ED, he used the  gfb on her 3 times and I did 2 times...But it was me the only one getting reward.

So I wonder that if you don't deal any real damage on her, the loot is random.

I will do it again tomorrow the way I did on the 5 players team to check