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by (5,319 points)
This question is more for Tibian mythbusters.

I am often doing Scarlett by using Ava strategy (using avalanche on her and leaving the room and then letting someone else finish the boss) and I always get my set of award but actually I never looted Cobra items this way. I am looking for any screenshots or confirmation from the people that you actually can get cobra items this way - this is because of someone who told me that you will never loot cobra items this way.
related to an answer for: How is loot divided in Scarlet Etzel?

1 Answer

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by (2,426 points)
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Yes, you can get regular loot this way. I've seen a screenshot of someone getting it in the middle of the desert irrc, but it wasn't me and I can't find it.

Your character's location on the map does not affect your loot. What matters is your participation in the fight. Regarding Scarlett Etzel specifically, you may not be eligible for the full loot if your participation is very low. This can happen if you only hit Scarlett once and barely take any damage, and the player that stays with it takes some damage and deals more damage. Participation is proportional to the contribution (damage taken/dealt) of all players during the fight.

If you only get a green gem, energy bar and some platinum coins then you probably didn't get enough participation. If you also got other items such as terra set items and potions then you got the regular lot and could have dropped a Cobra Item.

It's actually easy to test it out. Because of how Scarlett is killed, if a player tanks/attacks it in melee range for some turns (10+) he/she will most likely get all the participation for himself and no one else will get full loot.
by (17,410 points)
Is this the image/clip you were talking about? https://clips.twitch.tv/PlumpKnottyGalagoVoteNay
by (2,426 points)
Maybe, I can't recall but that one is an example as requested.