+5 votes
by (1,571 points)
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My question is in some sense related to How is loot divided in Scarlet Etzel? but not quite. I am not asking whether it is easier to beat her in a group or alone because the mechanics themselves force fight her solo but... what with loot? Does it make boss alone or in a team matter on loot? Or maybe I have the same chance of drop a rare item as in a team fight? Maybe you have some experience with this?

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,046 points)
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Best answer
I think solo is better.


 Well this is my situation: I am RP, and I always do It with an Ed. We attack the same to the Boss (2 turns each one) but I also tank It while the ED sio me. Our loot? AI normally get like 7 different things, he only gets a green gem, always.

The times he does It alone he gets as I do, over 7 different items...

So I guess that, at least, to do a little profit It is better to do It solo
0 votes
by (7,015 points)
The percentage to get a loot from boss is the same in team or solo. So if you can have level 350 or close, can do it solo.
by (1,571 points)
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even 250lvl will do the final boss solo without any problems, worse with the rest of the quest(minibosses) where you need a team
0 votes
by (362 points)

I think that better situation to kill scarlet is in X2. RP+ED, MS+ED, MS+RP, ED+MS... Using Sacred Tree Amulet and most protective earth set to avoid a lot of damage of the combo. (This combo can beat 7,5k+, take care)

0 votes
by (6,736 points)
I prefer to kill it solo because of one reason: dividing the loot works unfair in case of 2 players. One always gets less items. When I kill it solo always have few lines of loot, with EK I got max 2 items. I'm afraid it works also on rares, that when I kill it in team and don't have few lines of loot, then I have no chance for rare item.

Killing Scarlett Etzel solo is really easy, so I think there is no sense to risk the loot :)
by (5,046 points)
ye, I think so. same happens for me when I go with an ed. He loots almost nothing, and i got several lines
0 votes
by (5,689 points)

All my friends usually do it solo. I don't know if it's more profitable, I think it is about don't wait for people and can go whenever they want.

I go a lot RP + MS, but I always only fall green gem. RP gets a much better loot. I wonder if it depends on dmg? then it would be more profitable to do it solo. I'm just afraid to do it, but I think it's better to do it solo.
