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by (11 points)
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hey guys,

i'm struggling as the title says: is it possible to profit without Imbuements  as a paladin150-200?

please enlighten me.
by (17,410 points)
Just solo? Premium?
by (5,801 points)
we need to know if you meant solo or team hunting. Also, if you don't want to use imbuements, do not use this tag ;) I added the correct tags that this post would require
by (17,410 points)
@flag which question is duplicate to this?
by (31 points)
solo and yes prem + facc

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,503 points)

Yes, you can definitely make a profit as a free account (FACC) or premium solo Paladin in the 150-200 level range. For FACC players, since Yalahar is now accessible, you can farm Imbuements as one method, though I imagine you're asking about making a profit while leveling up.

It is definitely possible, but it will rely on your skills, luck, and how effectively you can play the game. For example, you can try farming Grim Reapers, killing them one by one with Fire Walls while being cautious, or you could try hunting Nightmares on the surface of Yalahar. These methods should help you make a profit.

If you're a premium account (PACC) player, you have more options. For instance, you could go to places like the Chosen or other areas where you can use Fire Wall to take down enemies one at a time. There are many guides available for PACC players that offer helpful tips on how to make a profit while leveling.

For FACC, your best option is probably sticking to the Grim Reapers or Nightmares, as those are more reliable methods to make money while leveling.

0 votes
Yes sure its possible, people played paladins before imbuments were introduced. However i guess you have to focus on single target hunting then as it is at that level really expensive with diamond arrows. Go kill ghastly dragons using fire walls and crystalline arrows. Im sure you will a profit. Otherwise you go hunt creatures that drop alot of imbu items/ addon items. That is if you're interested in gold and not the exp.
by (31 points)
you dont need imbu for ghastly dragons?
No not really if you lure 1 at the time and use fire walls