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by (287 points)
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Hello guys, I have a few questions about post nerf places, especially about-

  1. Skeleton elite warrior + undead elite gladiators. I was able to exp on them for 1h and I nearly get moneyback for waste - and exp was terrible ;/ i was unlucky or this place is worthless for 170rp right now?
  2. Diremaws + deepworms - this place has still good profit? How it will be for 170rp?
  3. Helhounds inq - at which lvl i can start hunting them? Or how badly they can hit? Is it still good profit?
  4. Can you suggest some other places to earn money? I really enjoy mota furies, weakened frazzlemaws on feyrist and im wondering about vengoth castle but is it good for rp?

1 Answer

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by (1,181 points)
hello, the xp for skeletos should be quite low, but quite sure it should give some profit if you not getting hitted to much doing walls,diremaws and deepworm can be a good profit with low experience, hell hounds on inq dont really worth the risk since xp and loot will be low, some places you should try for profit:

gloth bandits ( oramond)

week frazzlemaws and silencer (feyrist)

roshamul bridge 1 by 1 ( profit)