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by (31 points)
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hey guys,

Which place is the best to hunt for profit with a facc paladin level of 160 and 110+ skills without imbues?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (725 points)
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Best answer

The Best place to profit in game at this level is largely a matter of opinion as imbuement item prices on your specific server could change at any time since the prices fluctuate on the market. Some possible places for you to try out at this level range are...

  • Gloom Wolf Cave (tainted caves or hunter cave world change) ~8% chance to loot gloomwolf fur
  • Amazon Camp Venore ~5% chance to loot protective charm
  • Yalahar Cult caves 5-10% chance to loot rope belt, 10% chance to loot cultish mask from enlightened only)
  • Yalahar or venore dragons, chance to loot or skin Green Dragon Leather from dragons
  • Mutated Tigers Yalahar, chance to loot sabretooth 
  • Orc Fortress chance to loot shamanic staff and orc tooth
  • Venore Salamander cave, chance to loot swampling wood, damselfly wings, and marshstalker feathers
  • Venore swamp troll cave, chance to loot medicine pouches
Overall it is going to be very slow and difficult to profit as a 160 paladin using no imbuements.  Some of the spawns such as Yalahar cults may end up being profitable to use at least basic imbuements in order to cut down on healing costs, depending on the price of potions on your server. 