+2 votes
by (5,070 points)
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 Low blow 4%,8%,9% plus (level 1,2,3) chance of getting critical hit

 Savage Blow 20%,40%,44% plus (level 1,2,3) damage on critical hit

Lets put it as example flimsy hunt on Venore since there are many monsters of the same type.

2 Answers

+6 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Best answer

To determine which rune is more efficient between Low Blow (level 1,2) and Savage Blow  (level 1,2), let's analyze based on the following:

  1. Base critical hit chance (with Powerful Strike):

    • Powerful Strike: +10% critical hit chance.
    • Low Blow: +8% additional, total = 18% critical hit chance.
    • Savage Blow: No additional critical hit chance, remains at 10%.
  2. Additional critical damage:

    • Powerful Strike: +50% critical damage.
    • Low Blow: No increase to critical damage.
    • Savage Blow: +40% additional critical damage, total = 70% critical damage.
  3. Number of enemies:

    • You hit 10 enemies per attack.
    • The critical damage applies to all enemies hit when it triggers.

Key Assumptions:

  1. Attack Mechanics:

    • Each attack hits 10 Flimsy Lost Souls simultaneously.
    • Base damage per hit = 600 (6,000 total per attack across 10 monsters).
    • Critical hit applies to all 10 monsters when triggered.
  2. Flimsy Lost Soul HP: 4,000 per monster.

  3. Attack Rate: Assume 60 attacks per minute (1 attack per second), for a total of 3,600 attacks in 1 hour.

Low Blow:

  1. Base Damage Per Attack: 6,000 (non-critical).
  2. Critical Hit Damage Per Attack: 6,000 × 1.5=9,000 (50% increase).
  3. Average Damage Per Attack:
    Average Damage = (18%  x times 9,000) + (82% x times 6,000) = 1,620 + 4,920 = 6,540
  4. Total Damage Over 1 Hour:
    6,540×3,600= 23,544,000 damage in 1 hour.

Savage Blow:

  1. Base Damage Per Attack: 6,000 (non-critical).
  2. Critical Hit Damage Per Attack: 6,000×2.1=12600 (70% increase).
  3. Average Damage Per Attack:
    Average Damage = (10% × 12,600)+(90% × 6,000)=1,260+5,400=6,660
  4. Total Damage Over 1 Hour:
    6,660×3,600= 23,976,000 damage in 1 hour.

For large groups of enemies (like the flimsy), Low Blow (Level 1 and 2) and Savage Blow (Level 1 and 2)  are almost equivalent in terms of average damage per attack being savage blow the better one. However, there are key differences:

  1. Consistency of damage:

    • Low Blow has a higher critical hit chance (18% vs. 10%), leading to more frequent critical activations but with less impact per critical.
    • Savage Blow has fewer criticals but stronger hits (+70%).
  2. Decision:

    • If you prefer more frequent critical hits, use Low Blow (great for consistent damage output against many small enemies).
    • If you want stronger, more explosive hits, use Savage Blow (better for tougher enemies or when critical impact matters more).

Low Blow (Level 3):

  1. Base Damage (non-critical): 6,000.
  2. Critical Damage: 6,000×1.5=9,0006,000 \times 1.5 = 9,0006,000×1.5=9,000.
  3. Average Damage Per Attack: Average Damage = (Critical Chance×Critical Damage)+(Non-Critical Chance×Base Damage) = (19% x times 9,000) + (81% x times 6,000) = 1,710 + 4,860 = 6,570

Savage Blow (Level 3):

  1. Base Damage (non-critical): 6,000.
  2. Critical Damage: 6,000×2.16=12,960 (72% damage on critical).
  3. Average Damage Per Attack:
    Average Damage = (10% x times 12,960) + (90% x times 6,000) = 1,296 + 5400 = 6696

Comparison Over 1 Hour:

  • Total attacks in 1 hour = 60×60=3,600
  • Low Blow (Level 3): 6,570×3,600=23,652,000 total damage.
  • Savage Blow (Level 3): 6,696×3,600=24,105,600 total damage

As we can see in the results savage blow is still a bit better than low blow in terms of total damage per hour, but the differente is small, even in the same hour low blow could be better than savage blow just because of the chance probability. Despite this I leave a graphic below where we can see that the bigger amount of dps we have (bigger levels) the bigger will be the difference in favor to savage blow.


by (5,070 points)
The +40% additional critical damage comes from imbuement, the other +50% is from savage blow so in total you have +90% critical damage. Relative to the cooldown attack maybe you are right but on this case it doesnt matter, I made a ficticional scenario where both are attacking at the same speed ratio you can say 1 second, 2 or 3 and the results will be the same since the scenario is identical for both.

In the case of paladins you are right that there are some differences, since Rps have the double proc on charms , the hability to hit and rune same time etc.. but in that case I saw that the results in the comparition of both charms are quite similar, the difference is not big enought to modify the answer and make it much bigger, which can result in a tedious task.

I tried to make the answer clear and short, there are many other cases and scenarios for this comparition? yes, but in that case we can write pages and pages and thats not the point on TibiaQA.
by (1,212 points)
But if you say you have +90% critical damage, you are saying that:
Basic attack: 100
Critical Damage: 90 (Because it is 90% in you scenario)
Total damage: 190

And it is not like that.
 The savage blow gives you 50% critical EXTRA DAMAGE, that means this:
Base damage: 100
Critical Damage: 50 (50% of the imbuement)
Savage Blow: 50*0.4 = 20
TOTAL DAMAGE: 100+50+20 = 170

Considering this, your math is wrong, but I think if you correct it you will get a great graphics etc.
by (5,070 points)
Okay I was studying your comments and I realized the point you mean where you are right, so I made some changes to the answer to make them better and closer to the reality. Thanks fot the notes @Liten Question
+1 vote
by (152 points)
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Short answer

Low Blow is always at least as good as Savage Blow, and under certain conditions, it outperforms Savage Blow.

Long answer

Let's analyze how both charms perform on multiple scenarios. Jump to the Conclusion section below for the result of this analysis. 

Description of Low Blow, Savage Blow and Powerful Strike

Powerful Strike: Powerful Strike is an imbuement that can be applied to weapons. When applied, it raises critical hit damage by 50% and critical hit chance by 10%.

Low Blow: Adds 4% / 8% / 9% critical hit chance to attacks with critical hit weapons.

Savage Blow: Adds 20% / 40% / 44% critical extra damage to attacks with Critical Hit weapons.

Powerful Strike only (no charms)

Assuming our weapon is imbued with Powerful Strike, every 100 hits we have 10 hits dealing 50% more damage (critical). This can be written as:

y = (100 * x) + (10 * x/100*50)

Where x is the base damage caused by a hit and y is the total damage caused in 100 hits.

(100 * x) is how we calculate the normal 100 hits.

(10 * x/100*50) is how we calculate the extra damage from the 10 critical hits.

These are summed to calculate the total damage of 100 hits, critical hits included.

However, since from now on we're only going to discuss critical hits, we can leave the normal hits out of the equation, leaving us with:

y = (10 * x/100*50)

Which can be simplified to:

y = 5x

Powerful Strike + Low Blow

Applying the values from Low Blow (levels 1, 2 and 3) to our original equation, we have:

Low Blow 1Low Blow 2Low Blow 3
y = (14 * x/100*50)y = (18 * x/100*50)y = (19 * x/100*50)
y = 7xy = 9xy = 9.5x

Powerful Strike + Savage Blow

Applying the values from Savage Blow (levels 1, 2 and 3) to our original equation, we have:

Savage Blow 1Savage Blow 2Savage Blow 3
y = (10 * x/100*70)y = (10 * x/100*90)y = (10 * x/100*94)
y = 7xy = 9xy = 9.4x

Comparing the results

Comparing the simplified equations, we can clearly see that Low Blow and Savage Blow are equivalent on level 1 and 2, but Low Blow outperforms Savage Blow on level 3.

The outperforming of Low Blow on level 3 can easily be spotted if we look at the increase in both charms' effects from level 2 to level 3:

Low Blow: from level 2 (8%) to level 3 (9%), we have an increase of 12.5%.

Savage Blow: from level 2 (40%) to level 3 (44%), we have an increase of 10%.

We clearly see that Low Blow gets a bigger increase in its effect. We now understand why Low Blow outperforms Savage Blow on level 3.

The trick: increased critical extra damage from equipments

Tibia has equipments that increase critical extra damage, such as the new inferniarch items or the Soul War items. Let's take soulbleeder as example.

Soulbleeder adds 10% to the critical extra damage. In order to see how using a soulbleeder would affect our calculations, we have to update our equations and simplify them again.

Updating our equations to add 10% to the critical extra damage:

Low Blow 1Low Blow 2Low Blow 3
y = (14 * x/100*60)y = (18 * x/100*60)y = (19 * x/100*60)
y = 8.4xy = 10.8xy = 11.4x

Savage Blow 1Savage Blow 2Savage Blow 3
y = (10 * x/100*80)y = (10 * x/100*100)y = (10 * x/100*104)
y = 8xy = 10xy = 10.4x

Comparing the results again

We now see that Low Blow outperforms Savage Blow on every level when using equipment that increases critical extra damage. And, surprisingly, Low Blow level 2 becomes better than Savage Blow level 3!

But why does this happen?

The reason lies in scaling. Every percentage point added to critical extra damage will be multiplied by 14, 18 or 19 if using Low Blow, whilst being multiplied only by 10 if using Savage Blow. This means that Low Blow scales better with additional critical extra damage coming from equipments.


If using equipments that grant critical extra damage, Low Blow always outperforms Savage Blow.

If NOT using equipments that grant critical extra damage, Low Blow and Savage Blow are equivalent on levels 1 and 2, and Low Blow outperforms Savage Blow on level 3.

This is a graph of all levels of LB and SB with 10% critical extra damage from equipments applied.

i agree to a point that we can remember that savage blow hit critical to = (all elements, if the monsters is weak) so if there is a MS hit with vis hur to a monsters that is weak at that specific element that damage is a variable that u are not working with, so there is a chance that is better than lowblow  and the damages are always variable, so there is other thing cuse, u can hit a critical only with ur wand and that is  a waste of a critical only 1 use of 10  from the 100 of the % chance to hit criticals, so maybe the numbers and stadistics are diferents that we may think... i will stay with savage blow my hunts feel betters, (im ms) i think like knights or paladins low blow is better to get sustain, but like mages  or ms is dif