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I'm a level 220 MS and I wonder what i could hunt/do to make some some nice cash.

I've been hunting pirats for some time yet it's taken a lot of the time, i'm searching for a nice place to hunt in to make some profit.

I also look for some more chill methods such as ,flipping the market(would love some tips) ,ice fishing for northern pikes etc.

thanks for the help!

1 Answer

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by (1,528 points)
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Some places I know are good for profit are:

  • Souleaters Farmine
  • Putrid Mummies
  • Glooth Bandits
  • Exotic Bat/Spiders
  • Deep Banuta
  • Forbidden Temple Cults
  • Werehyenas (Staying behind your summon and not luring much)
  • Edron Vampire Cave (not much exp but chilled)
  • Lizard Chosen might be worth trying

The top three might be the best in terms of profit, chillness and especially they get good damage versus sorcerer spells.

If you wish to fish for Northern Pikes I would advise you to up your fishing level first to maybe 40, and then use a Northern Fishburger (increases your fishing level +50 for an hour) to get even more skill. If you mark all the fishing spots in your map (to just click on it) and also put some normal fish or vials around the spots it would make your life so much easier, also putting your tool/pick in a hotkey. 

For the market flipping, I would advise you to check the prices on imbuing items and gold/silver tokens. If your server has an active war, you should check the items for death protection imbuement, might rings, stone skin amulet, butterfly ring, koshei amulet (basically everything that gives some death protection) also maybe items that help with speed like void boots. I would check the buy/sell prices for a specific item and also go to the button "Details" which will show you the average prices for the month and how many items were sold in that period of time, which would help you to give yourself of an idea of what price would be the best to set a buy offer and how many items you can actually sell and at what price. Of course, as with any business, the market has its risks, and that's why I would advise you to monitor the prices of the items you want to sell frequently before actually starting to buy/sell.

Hope my answer helped you smiley

by (360 points)
Just to add to your answer, the respawns added in last year's winter update are also quite good for profit at low level: Exotic Cave and Pirat Ship
by (1,528 points)
Hi! I did not add the Pirat Ship because he mentioned he wanted something else. However, I added the Exotic Bat/GS to the answer. Thank you!!
by (5,070 points)
It would be nice if you improve your answer with a ranking and an average profit per hour in each place.