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by (11 points)
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So I have a char that I dont play on a different server and I wanted to use that name on one of my chars. So if I was to change the chars name on the not used server, how long would it be until I'm able to change a char on my server to that same name?
closed as a duplicate of: How does the "name recycling policy" works?
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by (1,981 points)
I always thought the name would become available again after 6 months, but from experience, it can become available sooner. In my case, I remember it took about 4 months. So, I advise you to try changing the name every now and then until you succeed.

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by (594 points)
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Hi. I once had the same idea/plan and contacted Cip about it - here is their response:


Hello Loqhakk,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately, we cannot say for sure at what time exactly the name will be available again. As explained by my colleague, the name is blocked for at least 6 months. It is possible, however, that it takes even longer.

I'm afraid all you can do is try and get your name back when the 6 months have passed, but we cannot guarantee that it will be already available.

If you need assistance with anything else, please let me know.

Kind regards,


I hope that this information has dispelled any doubts you may have.

Although I have heard that sometimes the period is shorter than 6 months (e.g. 4 months, or "almost" 6) I would not rely on such information, having an official statement from CipSoft.
